Network Activities

General Activities

There was interest in applying for a network funding but so far, nothing has materialized. There have been talks with Carolyn Shields (head of CCEAM) to engage in some sort of formal collaboration. As there is a new incoming Link Convenro and as there are questions regarding about what we can and cannot do (for example 'Can we create an invited session for CCEAM members?'), those talks have not concluded yet. But we remain interested.


We have informal ties to the following journals in the sense that some of our co-convenors and people who are linked to the network publish there: Educational Management Administration & Leadership International Journal of Educational Management Journal of Educational Administration International Studies in Educational Administration (ISEA) Research in Educational Administration and Leadership We are currently not planning a special issue or a book project. There was individual publication activity but with the challenges of coming out of the pandemic, we did not track that kind of activity very much.

Future Plans

Other than a smooth transition of the role of the Link Convenor, there are no concrete plans at the moment. It's possible that some co-convenors might put together an application for an EERA network project funding.

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Interview with Link Convenor 2019