Application Deadline 2023
Applications for funding can be handed in at any time throughout the year.
Support for Network Development and to Commemorate Special Moments in a Network's History
In addition to the funding of network activities already in place (network projects, network season schools and network related publications) EERA has created an annual fund of 25,000 euros to support specific network related activities.
This can be used for the purpose of network development and to celebrate special moments of a network.
Additionally, for organizational purposes throughout the year, like program planning, EERA offers the setting up of online meetings through the GoTo Meeting system. The EERA Office will manage the technical side of this.
EERA also suggests that networks meet on the day before ECER (usually Monday), offering (on the basis of availability) a room to meet and financially supporting convenors from low GDP countries for one night.
Funding for Network Development
The application for network development should outline how the proposed activity
- will contribute to the scientific development of a network,
- will benefit the network (expected impacts),
- will operate to further European Educational Research in accordance with EERA’s objectives.
The rationale for the application should be pragmatic with an indicator of the timeframe in which the project should be completed.
Application guidelines
Initiator - EERA Network (endorsed by the Link Convenor)
Diversity - All applications should normally demonstrate how at least three European countries participate.
Capacity building - All applications should address the issue of capacity building (Next generation of emerging researchers and researchers in low GDP countries)
Partnerships - EERA encourages finding partners and co-funding.
Administration - All administration of the project is to be taken care of by the applicant. The EERA Office will not be in a position to provide administrative support for this activity but will be able to offer advice on procedural issues.
Budget - A maximum sum per project is 3000 Euros.
EERA covers
- Rent of venue and rooms
- Accommodation
- Catering
- Where requests are made for travel and subsistence they must demonstrate how they relate to the application outputs.
- A small honorarium for specific administration costs related directly to the project.
EERA does not cover
- Overheads
- Activities which involve the transfer of money to publishing houses
- Personal/institutional research time
It is recommended to consult Petra Grell, Networks’ Representative on Council for initial feedback before submitting an application.
Evaluation criteria
- An application has the endorsement of the Network Link Convenor.
- The funded activity benefits both the Network and EERA.
- An application has addressed the issue of capacity building (Next generation of emerging researchers and researchers in LOW GDP countries).
- An application demonstrates how at least three European countries participate.
- An application is specific in terms of outputs for network development.
- An application has a detailed and transparent budget (including contribution from partners, if applicable).
- Each Network will normally only have funding for one application every other year.
- The same project will (normally) not be funded more than one time.
EERA Officers will examine applications ensuring that all requests are within budget.
Reviewing of the application
1. EERA Executive Group reviews an application
- If the application does not have potential and/or fit to the scope of funding EERA Executive Group rejects it.
- If the application has potential and fit to the scope of funding EERA Executive Group gives feedback to further develop the application and asks for a resubmission (if needed).
2. Once all the criteria are met EERA Executive Group accepts the application (typically an application is discussed in two executive meetings)
3. Accepted application is endorsed by the EERA Council.
The applicant must also report the use of funds after the proposed project has ended.
Funding to Celebrate Special Moments of a Network
EERA opens up the possibility of suggesting a special session at ECER to celebrate moments of the life of the network. This is intended to allow networks mark significant moments in their history such as an anniversary or to celebrate network honorary memberships during ECERs. A maximum sum per project is 250 Euros.
Applications are invited throughout the year per e-mail to the Network Representative on Council (Petra Grell)
Application Form
Please use the following form for handing in proposals for network funding.
- Dowload application form
- Contact Petra Grellbefore submitting.