20. Research in Innovative Intercultural Learning Environments

Interview with Link Convenor 2019

Network Objectives

The aim of the network is to promote the development of research in innovative strategies for intercultural teaching and its learning environment in order to promote more democratic civic cultures within Europe society.

The Network welcomes papers dealing with cultural identity and diversity, multi-ethnic learning groups and communities, intercultural discourses and the role of inclusive intercultural education in promoting both the local identities of groups and a sense of common citizenship in Europe.


Network 20 has 5 thematic research fields:

  1. Intercultural Education and Issues of Inclusion
  2. Innovative Research Methodology
  3. Cross Cultural Research and Intercultural learning
  4. Intercultural Education and Learning Environment in Higher Education
  5. Innovative Arts Based Educational Enquiry

Interview with Link Convenor 2019

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