ECER 2023 - Call for Proposals & Network Calls

The ECER 2023 Theme is 'The Value of Diversity in Education and Educational Research'. However, EERA welcomes contributions from the broad range of educational research.

In addition to the general call, some networks would like to encourage discussion on specific thematic topics and have therefore issued a special call. However, they will remain open for all other submissions within their area.

In order to submit to one of the NW Special Calls listed below, select the network first and then please ensure to choose the topic "NW XX Special Call" when you make your submission.

Network Special Calls

NW 04: Fostering the value of diversity through research on inclusive education

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Fostering the value of diversity through research on inclusive education
NW 04 Inclusive Education

Following a global trend, the European educational landscape is becoming more and more diverse regarding students’ age, gender, sexual orientation, ability, class, ethnicity and language. Accordingly, educational institutions are increasingly faced with the challenge of managing differences from an inclusive perspective. However, schools too often see diversity as a problem to be solved by categorising students, rather than as an opportunity to thrive by valuing differences.

The special call welcomes submissions concerning the role inclusive education can play in developing educational communities that welcome diversity as an essential element of their practices and of the policies that frame them.


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NW 07/20/31: Multiliteracies in Intercultural & Multilingual Education: Bridging Identities, Practices & Learning Environments

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Multiliteracies in Intercultural and Multilingual Education: Bridging Identities, Practices and Learning Environments
NW 07 Social Justice and Intercultural Education/NW 20 Research in Innovative Intercultural Learning Environments/NW 31 LEd – Network on Language and Education

Multiliteracies as a concept takes up and theorises social trends that have been identified as key developments in societies as well as central terms in intercultural and multilingual education: cultural hybridity and multimodality, i.e., “the increasing salience of multiple modes of meaning – linguistic, visual, auditory, and so on, and the increasing tendency for texts to be multimodal” (Fairclough, 2000, p. 171). With this joint special call, we invite educational researchers to submit papers on (multi)literacy skills, new modalities and innovative learning environments, identities and biographies of multilinguals, digital media, and (multi)literacy practices.

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NW 08: Envisioning the role of health and wellbeing education in advancing social justice and health equity

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Envisioning the role of health and wellbeing education in advancing social justice and health equity
NW 08 Health and Wellbeing Education

Health and wellbeing education in schools is an essential resource for addressing social justice and health equity across diverse school contexts. Over 30 years ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) established that positive childhood experiences in health and education are key to reducing global health inequities; and a health-promoting school (HPS) approach has been promoted globally since. However, the aspiration of reducing health/wellbeing disparities has not yet been achieved. The purpose of this Special Call is to advance insights into matters of social justice, and explore how researchers are seeking to achieve greater equity through school health and wellbeing research.

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NW 10: The Diversity of ‘Evidence-Relations’ in Teacher Education, Politics and Research

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The Diversity of ‘Evidence-Relations’ in Teacher Education, Politics and Research
NW 10 Teacher Education Research

The relationship between theory and practice in teacher education is a long-standing topic and has become a source of contentious debate in educational research. The relationship between the role of ‘evidence’ in teaching and teacher education policy and pedagogy sits within this wider debate. At the centre of this are diverse and multiple conceptualisations, both in terminology and relations, the implications of which can be seen in the misunderstandings present in research communications. We invite you to discuss the many variations and constellations of ‘evidence-relations’ in teacher education, analytically, theoretically, and empirically through current work.

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NW 14: Considering diversity in educational research exploring school-community relationships

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Considering diversity in educational research exploring school-community relationships
NW 14 Communities, Families, and Schooling in Educational Research

Respecting the conference theme, ’The Value of Diversity in Education and Educational Research’, ECER/EERA Network 14 invites contributions exploring how ‘diversity’ matters in strengthening school-community relationships in all locations, in particular those involving families and schools in the socio-educational development of the community. For example: What can be learned in/from these spaces to create a more inclusive community? How can diversity be promoted in curriculum or in other aspects of schooling to foster community engagement? How does rural educational research provide insights on the elaboration of inclusive educational policy measures? How do place and space interact with diversity?

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NW 15: The nature of partnerships in education in Erasmus+ projects

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The nature of partnerships in education in Erasmus+ projects
NW 15 Research on Partnerships in Education

The European Commission provides funding to support and sustain different types of partnership projects. In this special call we invite proposals from projects that have been or are currently funded through the Erasmus+ initiative and share their critical reflection on the nature of partnerships that are forged. Proposals should examine how strategic cooperations in the field of education and training, form and describe the conditions that shape the coming together of different practitioners. We invite reflections that consider theories and methodologies that examine the nature of these partnerships in education.

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NW 15: The role of partnerships in the transitions to sustainable development in education

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The role of partnerships in the transitions to sustainable development in education
NW 15 Research on Partnerships in Education

We invite contributions that critically examine the role of partnerships in the transitions to sustainable development in education. Proposals may wish to follow up on questions such as: What role do partnerships between different partners play when they join in the pursuit of sustainable development (SD) through education? Does the diversity of contributors (academic, non-academic, NGOs etc..), their goals and practices help or hinder the transition to become a sustainable society? Are the expectations in the role of education for a sustainable transition different partners hold necessarily the same and what happens if they are not?

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NW 17: Analysing Diversity in Education Historically: Achievements, Boundaries and Barriers

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Analysing Diversity in Education Historically: Achievements, Boundaries and Barriers
NW 17 Histories of Education

Diversity has always been an inherent feature of society, however differently framed and conceptualised over time, and education has always been confronted with it. Diversity, then, constitutes a powerful prism, offering sensitivity to sociocultural configurations and imaginaries, governing mechanisms, technologies etc. used in the identification or re/production of sameness and difference. Analysing diversity in education historically not only draws attention to continuities and discontinuities in how it has been addressed and why and when it became an object of thought. It also raises awareness around a variety of approaches to data/sources, methods, theories, and sites of conservation and regulation.

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NW 07/20/31: Multiliteracies in Intercultural & Multilingual Education: Bridging Identities, Practices & Learning Environments

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Multiliteracies in Intercultural and Multilingual Education: Bridging Identities, Practices and Learning Environments
NW 07 Social Justice and Intercultural Education/NW 20 Research in Innovative Intercultural Learning Environments/NW 31 LEd – Network on Language and Education

Multiliteracies as a concept takes up and theorises social trends that have been identified as key developments in societies as well as central terms in intercultural and multilingual education: cultural hybridity and multimodality, i.e., “the increasing salience of multiple modes of meaning – linguistic, visual, auditory, and so on, and the increasing tendency for texts to be multimodal” (Fairclough, 2000, p. 171). With this joint special call, we invite educational researchers to submit papers on (multi)literacy skills, new modalities and innovative learning environments, identities and biographies of multilinguals, digital media, and (multi)literacy practices.

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NW 21: Experiencing Diversity in Education: Between Dialogue and Repression

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Experiencing Diversity in Education: Between Dialogue and Repression
NW 21 Education and Psychoanalysis

ECER theme this year is ‘the Value of Diversity in Education and Educational Research’. Linking education and psychoanalysis, the concept of diversity could be used about a human subject divided by his ‘unconscious’. Freud himself considered that ‘The ego is not master in its own house’ (1917). In this perspective, diversity is internal to the subject. Diversity may be a source of enrichment through dialogue (internal and external), but also a source of repression or even expulsion. Researchers are invited to submit contributions questioning the notion of diversity from this perspective, especially in the groups they work with.

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NW 22: The role of diversity in bringing about organizational transformation of higher education institutions

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The role of diversity in bringing about organizational transformation of higher education institutions
NW 22 Research in Higher Education

Organizational transformation is a slow process in higher education, hence knowing how to begin making changes using diversity measures is of considerable importance. Diversity is now a commonly encountered concept in European universities. It is often linked to concepts of equality and inclusion (EDI) in relation to university students, staff and other stakeholders. It is also becoming more usual to have Vice-Rectors responsible for inequality. Diversity strategies, policies and practices (whether planned or serendipitous) can help higher education institutions in Europe reinvent and transform those organizations, thereby reducing their reliance on neoliberalism and managerialism.

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NW 27: Teaching and learning in diverse contexts. Didactics, societal demands and individual needs in a changing world

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Teaching and learning in diverse contexts. Didactics, societal demands and individual needs in a changing world
NW 27 Didactics - Learning and Teaching

This special call in Network 27 highlights the tensions that teachers and students face in the context of rapid societal changes and the emergence of new social and individual needs, especially with regards to diversity. We invite contributions from scholars whose work deals with the integration of political and economic demands, social and individual needs in learning and teaching at all stages of education, and with the impact of these societal requirements on conceptions of didactics and teaching practices.


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NW 28: Diversity and Diversification: One World, Partial Common, or More Worlds of Education?

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Diversity and Diversification: One World, Partial Common, or More Worlds of Education?
NW 28 Sociologies of Education

This call addresses the complex transformations that modern education systems have recently been facing. We invite submissions exploring how our common reality gets diversified by political discourses and ask how the discourse of diversity could be problematized. We are also interested in how the structural transformations ensuing the retreat of the welfare state and recent crises impacted education and how critical sociology could contribute to finding new commonalities and a shared sense of social justice in education. These themes are explored in a new format of conferencing with an emphasis on slow conversations and collective debates around a shared theme.

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NW 29: Arts & democracy: how artistic & arts-based research can help to shape & rethink conceptions & practices of democracy

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Arts and democracy: how artistic research and arts-based research can help to shape and rethink conceptions and practices of democracy
NW 29 Research on Arts Education

Democracy is being questioned in different countries in Europe and elsewhere. In this context, the arts can play an important role, not only as offering participatory strategies of more inclusive forms of democracy, but also as ways to engage and account for collective processes. On this basis, this call invites to present papers on:

- Research based on Arts Education experiences that question or present issues related to democracy.

- Research highlighting the role of the arts in fostering democratic participation.

- Artistic research linked to projects that promote democracy.

- Collaborative artistic projects that relate to aspects of participatory democracy.


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NW 29: Transdisciplinarity among arts: sharing projects in which artistic disciplines are entangled

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Transdisciplinarity among arts: sharing projects in which artistic disciplines are entangled
NW 29 Research on Arts Education

In relation to the general theme of the conference “The Value of Diversity in Education and Educational Research” EERA NW 29 invites to share and reflect on the ways in which transdisciplinarity in arts and educational research is contributing to make diversity visible in education, as well as provide insights to elaborate inclusive educational policy measures, practices and conceptions.
The call is especially addressed to promote the organisation of collaborative sessions with the contribution of researchers from various European countries in the form of symposia, research workshops, and round tables on this topic.

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NW 07/20/31: Multiliteracies in Intercultural & Multilingual Education: Bridging Identities, Practices & Learning Environments

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Multiliteracies in Intercultural and Multilingual Education: Bridging Identities, Practices and Learning Environments
NW 07 Social Justice and Intercultural Education/NW 20 Research in Innovative Intercultural Learning Environments/NW 31 LEd – Network on Language and Education

Multiliteracies as a concept takes up and theorises social trends that have been identified as key developments in societies as well as central terms in intercultural and multilingual education: cultural hybridity and multimodality, i.e., “the increasing salience of multiple modes of meaning – linguistic, visual, auditory, and so on, and the increasing tendency for texts to be multimodal” (Fairclough, 2000, p. 171). With this joint special call, we invite educational researchers to submit papers on (multi)literacy skills, new modalities and innovative learning environments, identities and biographies of multilinguals, digital media, and (multi)literacy practices.

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NW 32: Valuing Diversity in Organizational Education (Research)

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Valuing Diversity in Organizational Education (Research)
NW 32 Organizational Education

The network 32 discusses diversity in its multiple meanings and relevance for the learning in, by and between organizations. Referring to the political, economic, socio-cultural and epistemological dimensions of diversity and difference, the network reflects on the theoretical, empirical, methodological, conceptual, and ethical dimensions of diversity and difference for organizational education. In doing so, the network calls for exploring a variety of paradigmatic claims for diversity, taking into account theoretical perspectives like critical performativity studies, postcolonial studies, posthumanist positions as well as classical positions to reflect on the value of diversity as discourse, strategy, dynamic and practice in Organizational Education.

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NW 33: Genders and Sexualities in Diversified Educational Systems and Societies.

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Genders and Sexualities in Diversified Educational Systems and Societies.
NW 33 Gender and Education

Network 33 welcomes contributions addressing any issues pertaining to gender and education. This special call is specifically to encourage papers that identify, address and critically analyse the opportunities and challenges that the increasing presence and acknowledgement of the diversity of intersecting genders and sexualities in European and global societies brings to education systems. We are interested in debating the degree to which individuals and groups with different intersecting identities, who are theorists, researchers, practicioners, policy makers, activitists, students and members of wider society are engaging with this context and how this is impacting upon educaiton systems and the experiences of those within education.

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Upcoming ECERs

ECER'23, Glasgow
ECER'24, Nicosia
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Important Dates ECER 2023

Submission starts
Submission ends
Registration starts
Review results announced
Early bird ends
Presentation times announced
Registration Deadline for Presenters
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Conference Venue

and Local Organisers

University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QQ

Local Association - SERA

Scottish Educational Research Association

EERA Member Organisation

Supported by