Sometimes it is difficult to take the first steps to establish a national association. EERA wants to offer assistance in that process.
In order to help groups of educational researchers to establish national associations, we have formed the following programme:
- Two EERA Council members can run a 1 to 2 day workshop in the country giving information about how national associations are established and run (structure, constitution, membership, congresses etc.) and about becoming and being a member of EERA.
- EERA will pay the traveling and hotel costs to send representatives to the workshop and to run the workshop (venue and food).
- Groups of researchers who wish to join this programme can apply to the Council by contacting the President of EERA.
- The EERA Council decides every year on 1 to 2 programmes and appoints Council representatives to conduct the workshops.
Current Members
in order of countries:
Armenia (ERAS)
Austria (ÖFEB)
Belarus (IE)
Belgium (VFO and ABC-Educ)
Bulgaria (Candidate)
Croatia (CERA)
Cyprus (CPA and KEB-DER)
Czech Republic (CAPV)
Denmark (NERA)
Estonia (EAPS)
Finland (FERA and NERA)
France (AECSE)
Germany (DGfE)
Greece (HES)
Hungary (HERA)
Iceland (NERA)
Ireland (ESAI)
Italy (SIPED)
Kazakhstan (KERA)
Latvia (Candidate)
Lithuania (LERA)
Luxemburg (LuxERA)
Malta (MERA)
Netherlands (VOR)
Norway (NERA)
Poland (PTP)
Portugal (SPCE and CIDInE)
Romania (ARCE)
Russia (RERA)
Serbia (DIOS)
Slovakia (SERS)
Slovenia (SLODRE)
Spain (AIDIPE and SEP)
Sweden (NERA)
Switzerland (SSRE)
Turkey (EAB and EARDA)
Ukraine (UERA)
United Kingdom (BERA and SERA)