
2022 - NW 26 Special Call

"Educational leadership during and beyond the pandemic"

2017 - Change in Link Convenor

After ECER 2016, Pierre Tulowitzki (Germany) took over from Helene Ärlestig as new Link Convenor.

2012 - Change in Link Convenor

Helene Ärlestig was elected Link Convenor from 2012 - 2016.

2007 - Change in Link Convenor

In 2007, Klaus Kasper Kofod took over as new Link Convenor until 2011.

2004 - Network Founded

The network was initiated and approved by the EERA Council in the beginning of 2004, so ECER 2014  was the first conference for the network. From the start there were 18 members of the network, half of us participated in the Crete ECER. Lejf Moos was elected Link Convenor and acted as such until 2007.

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Interview with Link Convenor 2019