
2022 - Change in Link Convenor

Gisela Unterweger and Clemens Wieser took over from Camilla Kirketerp Nielsen as new Link Convenors after ECER 2022.

2019 - Change in Link Convenor

Camilla Kirketerp Nielsen was elected Link Convenor in 2019.

2018 - Season School

The season school "Ethnography unbound: Responding to late modernity's mobilities and challenges" took place 12 - 14 December at the University of Barcelona, Spain.

2016 - Change in Link Convenor

After ECER 2015, Sofia Marques da Silva from the University of Porto, Portugal replaced Geoff Bright as New Link Convenor.

2015 - Change in Link Convenor

In 2015, Geoff Bright from the Manchester Metropolitan University, UK took over as New Link Convenor from Dennis Beach, Borås University / Sweden.

2012 - Project

NW 19 organised  a seminar on "Talking space, place and social justice:  A dialogue between ethnographers of education and geographers of education."  at Manchester University.

2011 - Interview with Link Convenor

At ECER 2011 "Urban Education" in Berlin, Graham Attwell and his colleagues from Pontysysgu interviewed the link convenor Christoph Maeder.

2010 - Change in Link Convenor

In 2010, Dennis Beach took over from Bob Jeffrey as New Link Convenor of network 19.

2008 - Change in Link Convenor

Bob Jeffrey was the new elected Link Convenor in 2008.

2007 - Change in Link Convenor

In 2007, Sofia Marques da Silva took over as New Link Convenor from Geri Smyth / UK.

2002 - Link Convenor

Until including 2002 Bob Jeffrey acted as Link Convenor for network 19 who was followed by Geri Smith.

2003 - Change in Link Convenor

Since 2003 Dennis Beach acted as Link Convenor for network 19.

2005 - Change in Link Convenor

Since 2005 Geri Smyth acted as Link Convenor for network 19.

1999 - Network Founded

The network began operating from 2000 in Edinburgh after a founding  meeting in 1999 in Lathi. Geoff Troman, Bob Jeffrey and Francesca Gobbo initiated this meeting in conjunction with members of the then newly  founded Nordic (nordforsk research network: ethnoped). Bob Jeffrey wrote the proposal that was presented to the Council and accepted later that year. Full details of the network history have been submitted to the  network history archives being assembled by Martin Lawn. The aims and focus of the network have changed only slightly since being originally conceived. We have broadened slightly to include life-history  research for example and there has been some clarification of our specific understanding of ethnography.

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