2022 - Change in Link Convenor
Geert Thyssen took over from Iveta Kestere as new Link Convenor after ECER 2022.
2022 - NW 17 Special Call
"Back/On to What, for Whom and Where? Historicising Ambiguous, Uneven Currents in Education from Situated Perspectives"
2020 - Informal Sessions during #ReconnectingEERA week
On 26 August an online meeting was held with three short presentations and discussions, followed by the NW17 meeting.
2019 - Special Call
NW 17 offered the special call at ECER 2019: History of Education in Times of Risk and Promise
2019 - Summer School
The 10th History of Education Doctoral Summer School (HEDSS) will take place 13 - 16 June 2019 at Liverpool John Moores University, UK.
2018 - Project
Network 17 held a two-part symposium, entitled "Timespacematters of Education" at ECER 2018, Bolzano, and issued teaching and learning materials on school and time both as an e-/publication and an online platform. The e-/publication and online platform "Looking Back Going Forward: School_Time in Flux and flow in Europe and Beyond" can be found here and here, respectively. A NW17 research workshop at ECER 2019, Hamburg, is anticipated to help further disseminate and expand on these project outputs.
2018 - Change in Link Convenor
Iveta Kestere (University of Latvia, Latvia) took over from Helena Ribeiro de Castro as new Link Convenor after ECER 2018.
2018 - Summer School
The 9th History of Education Doctoral Summer School (HEDSS) was held 7 - 10 June 2018 at University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia.
2018 - Project
The project "Looking back Going forward: School_Time in Flux and Flow in Europe and beyond" aims to create windows of opportunity for time-inflected comparative thinking and re/imagining around conditions of schooling in Europe and beyond in the form of (1) a freely and easily accessible web-based platform with online teaching and learning materials catering to the needs of diverse audiences internationally, including teachers, children and young people; (2) a round table bringing together European educational researchers across disciplinary boundaries.
2017 Summer School
The 8th History of Education Doctoral Summer School (HEDSS) was held 8 - 11 June 2017 at University of Sassari, Italy.
2016 - Project
Supported by EERA, a joint project 'Cultural Learning, Identity and the European Project’ was introduced by members of NW17 and NW20. The focus of this project was an exploration of the interplay between two concepts being promoted within European educational policy discourse, that of the Engaged University and Cultural Learning. Results of the project will be summarised in a book welcoming contributions from both networks.
2016 - Summer School
The 7th History of Education Doctoral Summer School (HEDSS) was held 9 - 12 June 2016 at University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
2015 - Summer School
The Summer School "Researching Histories of Educational Spaces Discourses and Sources" was held 18-20 June 2015 at the University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
2014 - Summer School
The Summer School "Histories of Education Summer School" was held 12-15 June 2014 at the Umeå University, Sweden.
2014 - Project
Network 17 published an e-book "Education across Europe. A Visual Conversation" (NW17 2014), which collected contributions written by more than twenty researchers coming from all parts of Europe. It was edited by a team of former and current convenors and it can be found here.
2013 - Summer School
The Summer School "Researching Histories of European Educational Spaces Discourses and Sources" was held 13-16 June 2013 at the University of Hamburg, Germany.
2012 - Change in Link Convenor
Helena Ribeiro de Castro (Instituto Piaget, Campus Universitário de Almada, Portugal) was elected as the new convenor.
2012 - Summer School
The Summer School "Researching Histories of European Educational Spaces Discourses and Sources" was held 7-10 June 2012 at the University of Lisbon, Portugal.
2011 - Summer School
The Summer School "Researching Histories of European Educational Spaces Discourses and Sources" was held 9-12 June 2011 at the University of Birmingham, UK.
2010 - Summer School
The Summer School " Researching Histories of European Educational Spaces Discourses and Sources " was held 10 - 13 June 2010 at the University of Ghent, Belgium.
2010 - Interview with Link Convenor
At ECER 2010 "Education and Cultural Change” in Helsinki, Graham Attwell and his colleagues from Pontysysgu interviewed the link convenor Angelo Van Gorp.
2009 - Change in Link Convenor
Angelo van Gorp (KU Leuven, Belgium) was elected as the new convenor.
2006 - Change in Link Convenor
Catherine Burke (University of Cambridge, UK) was elected as the new Link Convenor.
2006 - Change of Name
In 2006 the title of the network changed into 'Histories of Education'.
2002 - Change in Link Convenor
Since 2002 Ian Grosvenor acted as the only Link Convenor for network 17.
1999 - Network Founded
The Network was founded in 1999 and the original convenors were Frank Simon, Ian Grosvenor, Martin Lawn and Henk Van Setten.
NW 17 runs a mailing list and invites researchers to join. To join the mailing list, send a blank message to nw17-subscribe(at)lists.eera-ecer.de