Network Activities

General Activities

The Swedish research school 'Quantitative Research Methods in Education (QRM)' funded by the Swedish Research Council offers a large number of applied methodological courses , free of charge, for both Phd-student and post-docs. Colleagues in Network 9 are welcome to apply. More information about the courses is available at


Anders, J., Has, S., Jerrim, J., Shure, N., & Zieger, L. (2021). Is Canada really an education superpower? The impact of non-participation on results from PISA 2015. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 33(1), 229–249.

Christiansen, A., & Janssen, R. (2021). Item position effects in listening but not in reading in the European Survey of Language Competences. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 33(1), 49–69.

Cuellar, E., Partchev, I., Zwitser, R., & Bechger, T. (2021). Making sense out of measurement non-invariance: How to explore differences among educational systems in international large-scale assessments. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 33(1), 9–25.

Gladushyna, O., Strietholt, R., & Steinmann, I. (2021). Disentangling general achievement levels and subject-specific strengths and weaknesses in mathematics, reading, and science. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 33(1), 203–227.

Glassow, L. N., Rolfe, V., & Hansen, K. Y. (2021). Assessing the comparability of teacher-related constructs in TIMSS 2015 across 46 education systems: An alignment optimization approach. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 33(1), 105–137.

Majoros, E., Rosén, M., Johansson, S., & Gustafsson, J.‑E. (2021). Measures of long-term trends in mathematics: Linking large-scale assessments over 50 years. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 33(1), 71–103.

Mirazchiyski, P. V. (2021). Ralsa: The R analyzer for large-scale assessments. Large-Scale Assessments in Education, 9(1), 1–24.

(ECER 2019 three symposia: Outcomes and Their Determinants in International Comparative Assessments Part I, II, and III)

Strello, A., Strietholt, R., Steinmann, I., & Siepmann, C. (2021). Early tracking and different types of inequalities in achievement: Difference-in-differences evidence from 20 years of large-scale assessments. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 33(1), 139–167.

Strietholt, R., Rosén, M., & Gladushyna, O. (2021). The integrity of educational outcome measures in international assessments. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 33(1), 1–7.

Ye, W., Strietholt, R., & Blömeke, S. (2021). Academic resilience: Underlying norms and validity of definitions. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 33(1), 169–202.

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  • Theory of Assessment, Evaluation, Testing and Measurement
  • Methodology and Instrumentation of Assessments, Evaluations, Tests and Measurements
  • Assessments in the Domains of School Subjects
  • Relating Achievement Results to Variables on Individual Level
  • Relating Achievement Results to Variables on Class, School/Institution or System Level
  • Evaluation of Educational Research
  • Educational Assessment Policies and System Monitoring