General Activities
On 20th June 2019 the international seminar “Education for Democratic, Intercultural Citizenship (EDIC+)” was held at the University of Humanistics, Utrecht, to mark the culmination of three years’ successful collaboration between the departments of education in seven European Universities. These include University of Humanistics Utrecht, University of Barcelona, Charles University Prague, University of Helsinki, University of Tallinn, University of Thessaloniki and Bath Spa University, UK. The teaching and research collaboration was funded by Erasmus and it led to the creation of a unique research-informed student-centred Masters level module in each university. Further details are available in the book Education for Democratic Citizenship, edited by Weil Veugelers. The conference brought together 100 delegates and provided networking opportunities for all participants. For more information please click here.
An application for EERA funding has been made together with the network 04 „Inclusive Education” and network 20 „Research in Innovative Intercultural Learning Environments“. In close cooperation the networks will realise a seminar at ECER 2020 entitled “Forced Migration and The Global Education 2030 Agenda: From educational research to policy and practice”. For more information please click here.
The topic of forced migration is receiving continuous attention within the network. A new working group on „Refugee Education“ was founded 2018 within the network, based on an initiative by Helen Avery (Lund University, Sweden).
Network 7 holds a long standing cooperation with the journal ‘‘Intercultural Education“ (Routledge). Convenors Ghazala Bhatti and Yvonne Leeman are members of the editorial board and there is a tradition of publishing special issues inspired by ECER conferences. Network Convenor Eunice Macedo together with Julia Szalai, Helena C. Araújo and Erna Nairz, submitted and had the first phase approval of a Special Issue in the EERJ on ‘‘Early school leaving“, under the title „Drawing lessons from ESLer trajectories: in the light of social justice”. Link Convenor Lisa Rosen and Henrike Terhart have submitted an expression of interest to the EERJ for their planned special issue on internationally trained teachers and teachers with a so-called migration background and have received a positive acceptance. It will be published in 2020 under the title "Ambivalences of Recognition: Internationally Trained Teachers and Teachers with a so-called Migration Background as a Common Subject of Education Research in Europe and Beyond”.
During the last year there have been several publications which were linked to the network activities. Below we will list a selection of the publications within the academic year 2019:
- Araújo, Helena C., Macedo, Eunice, Santos, Sofia A., & Doroftei, Alexandra O. (2019). Tackling early school leaving: Principals’ insights into Portuguese upper secondary schools. European Journal of Education, 54(1), 151-162. doi:10.1111/ejed.12328
- Bhatti, G. (2019) Social and Educational Inclusion in Schools and their Communities. In W. Veugelers (ed) Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship. Leiden: Brill Sense. pp 61-80
- Bhatti, G. (2019) Students' experiences in EDIC+ Intensive Programmes. Social and Educational Inclusion in Schools and their Communities. In W. Veugelers (ed) Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship. Leiden: Brill Sense pp184-190
- Girbés-Peco, S., Gairal-Casadó, R., & Torrego-Egido, L. (2019). The participation of Roma and Moroccan women in family education: educational and psychosocial benefits. Cultura y Educación, 31(4), 1-26. Doi:
- Kuusisto, E., Moree, D. & Sillavee, R. (2019). Experiencing Democratic Intercultural Citizenship: EDIC Intensive Programmes. In W. Veugelers (ed) Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship. Leiden: Brill Sense
- Leeman, Y. & Volman, M. Citizenship in prevocational education: professional pride as a source. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice. DOI: 10.1177/1746197919883252
- Moree, D. & Vavrova, T. (2019) Educational Activities in Civil Society. Social and Educational Inclusion in Schools and their Communities. In W. Veugelers (ed) Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship. Leiden: Brill Sense pp 107-123
- Moree, Dana & Benyovsky, Selma (2019). Institutions and Disadvantaged: Intervention or Oppression? Theatre of the Oppressed at the Universities. Orbis Scholae, 13.
- Panagiotopoulou, Julie A. & Rosen, Lisa (2019): New Migration to Germany and Canada as Educational Migration: The Necessity and Challenges of International Comparative Migration and Family Research. In: Panagiotopoulou, Julie A.; Rosen, Lisa; Kirsch, Claudine & Chatzidaki, Aspasia (Eds.) (2019): ‘New' Migration of Families from Greece to Europe and Canada: A ‘New' Challenge for Education? Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 95-110.
- Panagiotopoulou, Julie A. & Rosen, Lisa (2019): Views on migration-related multilingualism – perspectives of Greek language teachers at complementary schools in Canada. In: In: Panagiotopoulou, Julie A.; Rosen, Lisa; Kirsch, Claudine & Chatzidaki, Aspasia (Eds.) (2019): ‘New' Migration of Families from Greece to Europe and Canada: A ‘New' Challenge for Education? Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 221-235.
- Panagiotopoulou, Julie A.; Rosen, Lisa; Kirsch, Claudine; Chatzidaki, Aspasia (Eds.) (2019): ‘New’ Migration of Families from Greece to Europe and Canada: A ‘New' Challenge for Education? Wiesbaden: Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-25521-3
- Veugelers, W. & Leeman, Y (in print) Pedagogical possibilities in culturally diverse educational contexts: Theory and practice of inclusive education in the Netherlands. Clairborne, L. & Balakrishan, V. (eds): Difference, Ethics and Inclusive Education: Changing Global Policy and Practice. Rotterdam/Boston: BrillSense.
- Veugelers, Wiel (2019). Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship. Leiden: Brill/Sense.
- Yvonne Leeman & Erna van Koeven (2019) New immigrants. An incentive for intercultural education? Education Inquiry, 10:3, 189-207. DOI: 10.1080/20004508.2018.1541675
Future Plans
Training programme for PhD students
Some delegates from NW7 were thinking of putting a bid for training doctoral students which could be applied for EERA funding. So far colleagues from Iceland and Britain have been interested. We would need colleagues from the east and south of Europe to make this a representative and inclusive bid. If you are interested to work together on this bid please write to Ghazala Bhatti.
Special call for ECER 2020
Together with network 17 “Histories of Education” a special call with the title „Refugees in/and Education throughout Time in Europe: Re- and Deconstructions of Discourses, Policies and Practices in Educational Contexts“ has been developed. This joint call aims to contextualise and historicise discourses and voices of refugees in education. Recent debates tend to see the so-called refugee crisis from 2015/2016 as a singular event which implies new and unexpected challenges for education systems in host countries. The result is over-dramatization and a neglect of already existing resources of both communities and the education system. The aim of this call is to bring refugee immigration and its specific histories back on the agenda and to highlight research that generates a positive impact on improving the situation and opportunities of newcomers. Refuge needs to be understood not only as a single event but also as an intergenerational process related to particular contexts.
Increasing the number of researchers from the eastern part of Europe
At the network meeting in Hamburg, the participants again noted that colleagues from the eastern part of Europe are underrepresented in network 07 “Social Justice and Intercultural Education”. The two convenors Dana Moree and David Doubek (both from Charles University of Prague, Czech Republic) have agreed to take on the task of strengthing the link with new researchers from Central and Eastern Europe. In a first step they will approach researchers who they know invite them personally for ECER 2020. They will also ask colleagues from these countries who regularly come to ECER to do the same.
NW 07 runs a mailing list and invites researchers to join. To join the mailing list, send a blank message to nw07-subscribe@lists.eera-ecer.