Network Activities

General Activities

An online meeting (link and co convenors) has been held on May 10 in order to prepare ECER 2022 sessions and to discuss NW 21 organization.

The French association of researchers involved in a psychoanalytically oriented clinical approach in the field of Education has organized an international conference on 14 and 15 October 2022 at Paris 8 University. This conference was an opportunity to invite several colleagues involved in Network 21 for an international symposium with simultaneous translation into French: 4 researchers from Germany, Austria and UK have presented papers. In addition, a Canadian colleague involved in Network 21 was invited to present a paper in this conference. This conference was also an opportunity for extensive contacts and exchanges with French teams. A visit was made in Paris 8 University: seminars, lectures, participation in meetings, etc.


NW 21 has a link with the french journal Cliopsy. This is a scientific journal recognised according to the French standards of scientific literature in educational research. Several researchers involved in Network 21 have links with journals in their own countries: this is the case mainly in Germany and Austria and contacts are made with these journals for publication projects.

A draft issue in English is being prepared for the journal Cliopsy (April 2024). We are starting to think about a book project for the EERA book series. We also encouraged NW 21 to submit publications for the EERA blog. A project of publication is discussed with the German speaking section „Psychoanalysis and Education“ within the German Association for Educational Research.

A Spring Meeting will be held in Paris in April 2022 and that will be an opportunity to discuss a publication project in a German journal.

Future Plans

We encouraged NW 21 to submit publications for the EERA blog. A first paper from a PhD student is in preparation. Please also indicate if and for what you would possibly like to apply for EERA funding. A first Spring meeting planned for May 2020 (for which we had obtained funding from EERA and several universities) was canceled due to the Covid-19 crisis. A NW 21 meeting involving Link and co convenors with about 5 other colleagues invited should be held Paris in March 31 April 1st in order to work on publications and research projects.