2022 - NW 08 Special Call
"Co-production of knowledge in health education and student wellbeing: engaging global disparities through collaborative research"
2021 - Change in Link Convenor
Catriona O’Toole (Maynooth University, Ireland) took over from Monica Carlsson (Aarhus University, Denmark).
2019 - Change of name
After ECER 2019 NW 08 "Research on Health Education" changed its name to "Health and Wellbeing Education”.
2017 - Change in Link Convenor
After ECER 2017 Monica Carlsson (Denmark) started her term as new Link Convenor for network 8.
2017 - Publication
EERA's Network "Research on Health Education" signed a contract with Emerald for a regular publishing collaboration. The network plans to publish at least one special issue every year "School health education and promotion: Current approaches and critical perspectives ".
Please follow this link to the first special issue of Health Education: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/toc/he/117/5
2015 - Season School
The SHE Summer School - Summer School on Health Education (5th) was held 10-13 June 2015 in Kuopio, Finland.
2014 - Season School
The SHE Summer School - Summer School on Health Education (4th) was held 23-27 June in Limerick, Ireland.
2011 - First participation in ECER as Network 8
In 2011 network 8 participated the first time at ECER with Venka Simovska (Denmark) acting as the Link Convenor. She held her role until 2017 and was in 2013 supported by Monica Carlsson in her role as Co-Link-Convenor.
2010 - Interview with Link Convenor
At ECER 2010 "Education and Cultural Change” in Helsinki, Graham Attwell and his colleagues from Pontysysgu interviewed the link convenor Venka Simovska.
2008 - 2010 Origins and Foundation
The Research on Health Education Network originates in the SHE Research Group that was established in 2008; The SHE Research Group is a consortium of researchers and research institutions from a number of countries in Europe, operating within the Schools for Health in Europe (SHE) Network. The SHE network was founded in 1991 as the European Network for Health Promoting Schools as a unique tripartite initiative from the World Health Organization for the European region (WHO Euro), the Council of Europe and the European Commission.
The SHE Research Group Position Paper was officially ratified in February 2009, at the SHE Assembly Meeting in Egmond, the Netherlands. The SHE Research Group is a rapidly growing consortium of researchers and research institutions from a number of countries in Europe. Currently it consists of 40 participants from 20 SHE member countries. The coordinating institution of the group is the Research Programme for Environmental and Health Education, Danish School of Education (DPU), Aarhus University, in collaboration with NIGZ as a WHO Collaborating Centre for School Health Promotion.
In 2010 the group established itself as a network within EERA and had been functioning as such for ECER 2011 and onwards.
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