
2022- Network Name Change

The name of Network 12 was changed from LISnet - Library and Information Science Network to Open Research in Education after ECER 2022.

2022 - NW 12 Special Call

"Open Science in Education "

2021 - Project

The Network 12 Project entitled “Workshops on Open Science in Education – Decentralised Perspectives” is planned for summer 2021 during ECER in Geneva.

2015 - Change in Link Convenor

After ECER 2015, Christoph Schindler took over from Alex Botte and Peter Meyer as new Link Convenor.

2010 - Interview with Link Convenors

At ECER 2010 "Education and Cultural Change” in Helsinki, Graham Attwell and his colleagues from Pontysysgu interviewed the link convenors Alexander Botte and Peter Meyer.

2009 - Change of Name

After ECER 2009 the Network Name was changed into LISnet – Library and Information Science Network   (formerly: Libraries and Information Centres in Educational Research).

2008 - Change in Link Convenor

From 2008 until 2015 Peter Meyer served as Link Convenor in network 12.

ElfriedeTajalli supported him in her role as Co-Link-Convenor in the years of 2009 - 2010, followed by Alex Botte in the years of 2011 - 2015.

2007 - Change in Link Convenor

In 2007 Michael Sogaard Larsen served an Link Convenor for the network 12.

2000 - Change in Link Convenor

Since 2000 Heinz Bartel, Rosemary Wake, Pat Spoor & Katalin Varga acted as Link Convenors for network 12.

2002 - Change in Link Convenor

In 2002 Phil Sheffield acted as Link Convenor for network 12.

2003 Change in Link Convenor

Since 2003 Michael Sogaard Larsen acted as Link Convenor for network 12.

1997 - Network Founded

The foundation of the network 12 «Libraries and Information Centres in Educational Research» in 1997 was due to the deficient visibility and the complexity of educational information infrastructures in Europe and the poor status of European coordination in educational research. Therefore, the network's first goal was to explore and develop coordinated ways to supply educational research with adequate information bases. The network's involvement in the PERINE project (http://www.bildung-weltweit.de/zeigen.html?seite=6681), supported by the European Commission, was an example of this.

Another main goal of Network 12 in EERA was (and still is) to raise the awareness of educational information infrastructures within the research community and to involve researchers into the design of information services. This was the main reason why the network was established within an educational research association and not as a part of a library or information science association.

The «Europeanisation» of research has gradually improved and the complexity of information infrastructures has even increased. Nowadays many infrastructures are established on the basis of project funding, but institutions which are geared towards long term information services only exist in few European countries. The challenge here is to involve all «players» into the business of creating and sustaining cross-national research infrastructures.

NW 12 runs a mailing list and invites researchers to join. To join the mailing list, send a blank message to nw12-subscribe(at)lists.eera-ecer.de

Interview with Link Convenor 2019

New Network Name: Open Research in Education

After ECER 2022 Network 12 changed its name from LISnet – Library and Information Science Network to Open Research in Education