Like other Networks the Emerging Researchers' Group is led by a Link Convenor who is supported by a team of Co-Convenors, but the Emerging Researchers' Group also has additional support from a Senior Mentor, a nominated person at the EERA Council.
Another vital source of support are the Senior Fellows, who participate in reviewing, act as session chairs and generally help to develop the Emerging Researchers' Group. Senior fellows are highly experienced and successful academic professionals who have actively supported the Emerging Researchers' Group for a number of years.
Link Convenor
Saneeya Qureshi
Emerging Researchers' Group
University of Liverpool, UK
E-Mail: saneeya.qureshi(at)
Hosay Adina-Safi
Emerging Researchers' Group
Universität Hamburg
Sofia Eleftheriadou
Emerging Researchers' Group
educational assessment, educational leadership, mixed-methods research
The University of Manchester
Dragana Radanovic
Emerging Researchers' Group
KU Leuven
E-Mail: dragana.radanovic(at)
Anouk Ticheloven
Emerging Researchers' Group
Universität Hamburg
Burcu Toptas
Emerging Researchers' Group
data-informed decision making, effective educational leadership, school improvement, ethics
Ankara University
E-Mail: burcubozgeyik(at)
Ottavia Trevisan
Emerging Researchers' Group
teacher education, educational technology and mixed-method research
University of Padova
E-Mail: ottavia.trevisan(at)
Senior Mentor
Satu Perälä-Littunen
Finnish Educational Research Association (FERA) and Senior Mentor of Emerging Researchers' Group
University of Jyväskylä
Faculty of Education
PO Box 35
FI-40014 Jyväskylä, Finland
E-Mail: satupera(at)
Senior Fellows
Marit Honerød Hoveid
Dept of Education
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
7491 Trondheim, Norway
E-Mail: marithon(at)
Edwin Keiner
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Department of Education
E-Mail: edwin.keiner(at)
George Head
Emerging Researchers' Group
University of Glasgow
Faculty of Education
11 Eldon Street
G3 6NH Glasgow, UK
E-Mail: George.Head(at)
ERG representative for WERA
Lisa Bugno
Emerging Researchers' Group
intercultural education, social education, participatory research approaches, qualitative data analysis
University of Padova – FISPPA Department
E-Mail: lisa.bugno(at)
The Emerging Researchers' Group runs a mailing list and invites researchers to join. To join the mailing list, send a blank message to erg-subscribe(at)
Join the ERG platform "EERA Emerging Researchers' Group" on LinkedIn This space for the ERG has the purpose of being a more interactive platform where members can contact each other directly and where they may exchange information and resources. It will also provide information about the ERG activities.
ERG on the EERA Blog
Learn more about the Emerging Researchers' Group on the EERA Blog