Networking and Socialising at ECER 2021

One of the ECER highlights is the chance to meet old friends, to make new ones and to network with colleagues to foster exchange and collaboration.

There are several ways to do this at ECER 2021.

Meeting Hub: Chat messages and video meet ups
When you first log into the ECER 2021 platform (OnAir), you will be given the opportunity to create a personal profile. You can upload your picture, share social media and determine which personal information will be visible to other attendees, so that they may find you in the Meeting Hub.

If you want to meet up with another attendee, you can go to the Meeting Hub at any time during the conference and search for a specific person or check who is online at the moment. You can use Meeting Hub to send people a written message or to request a live video meet up.

Chance Encounters: A video meeting with a randomly selected group of 2 - 4 people for 5 minutes
Chance Encounters will be available on the platform during the lunch breaks. Much as you might run into a friend in the hallway or start up a conversation with a couple of people during a coffee break, Chance Encounters offers a way to interact spontaneously with colleagues. The video chat is set to run for 5 minutes.

ECER 2021 "Chat and Relax" Kumo Space: Chat with groups of colleagues in playful virtual environments
At any time during the conference you can check out what is happening at the ECER 2021 "Chat and Relax" Kumo Space. There will be various thematic rooms (maximum capacity 30) in the "Chat and Relax" space and you can move from one room to another. There is no need to create an account or enter your email, you can join as a guest. For the full experience, we suggest you enable both your video camera and your microphone. Kumo Space allows you to move from group to group around the room, as you move a circle will move with you: everyone within the circle can hear each other.

  • The link to the Kumo Space will be posted on the conference platform (OnAir).
  • Please note: The best browser for Kumo Space is Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari  also work well. Using headphones is the best option for optimal audio.

Network Social Events at a specific date and time
Some networks will host social events. There will be information and links to these events in the Network's programme.

Upcoming ECERs

ECER'23, Glasgow
ECER'24, Nicosia
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Important Dates ECER 2021

Submission starts
Submission ends
Registration starts
Review results announced
Early bird ends
Presentation times announced
Registration Deadline for Presenters
ERC 2021, online
ECER 2021, online
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