EERA Tuesday Morning Workshops

ECER 2019 will host 5 EERA Workshops which will take place at various times Tuesday morning between 8:30 and 12:30. The exact times can be found below. Please note that as the workshop sizes are limited, participants will be required to register for the workshops in advance, you will find the links to do so in the description of each workshop..

The reservervations will be given out on a first come first served basis. Only ECER participants are eligible, and as the events are in parallel, double bookings will not be possible. We reserve the right to cancel invalid registrations.

Should you have booked a workshop but are unable to attend, please be sure to cancel your reservation, as there might be waiting lists.

The workshop consists of a mixture of demonstrations and guided practice, focusing on the practical knowledge required for using MAXQDA for the analysis of qualitative data.
8:30 - 10:30
Places still available!
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This interactive workshop is open to all who are interested in the issues relating to education, training and the social inclusion of young adults in vulnerable situations. The workshop will aim to instigate and support cross-national research collaborations in the field of VET and adult education. Specific strategies for future research projects will be considered and an agenda for future cooperation will be discussed.
9:00 - 10:30
Places still available!
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Researchers deal with bibliographic research on a daily basis and are experts in retrieving the information they need. Yet, there exist many literature services and they sometimes are not explicit about their scope of publications. Educational research often calls for a transdisciplinary and transnational state of knowledge, which is distributed - and occasionally hidden - in several databases. To avoid getting lost in searching but instead successfully navigate the ocean of information, a combination of knowledge about various databases, retrieval methods and search strategies is needed. As there is no one-stop solution in information seeking, the choice of databases, search engines and academic social networks remains an individual and research-related decision.
9:00 - 10:30
Fully booked!
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The renaissance of both curriculum making and curriculum theorisig could be seen across Europe. It is highly desirable that this renewed interest in curriculum is accompanied by empirical research into different forms of curriculum existence. This workshop will introduce several methods for analysing curriculum at different levels – from transnational to national, regional, school and classroom level.
9:00 - 12:00
Fully booked!
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The workshop will address the issues of language assessment in linguistically diverse contexts. It aims to focus on both relevant dimensions of language assessment: the dimension of instruments’ development and the dimension of data analysis. The purpose is, therefore, to introduce and critically discuss the challenges of developing new instruments for parallel assessment of multiple languages, the reliability and validity of newly developed instruments as well as the comparability of tests across different languages. It will also address the relevant aspects of integrating language assessment into the research design.
9:00 - 12:30
Places still available!
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EERA Going Green

As part of the commitment of EERA to ensuring that our annual European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) is as sustainable as possible, we were delighted to work with the local organisers of our Hamburg 2019 conference to develop our 'Green Agenda'.  Watch this videoto learn more!

To cover and document the conference from a student’s perspective, Josephine Hohberg, a masterstudent in Hamburg, will blog and report on her #ECER2019 experience.
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Upcoming ECERs

ECER'23, Glasgow
ECER'24, Nicosia
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