EERA Sessions

Tuesday 23 August

This workshop is held as the kick-off meeting of the EERA special interest group on peace education, which engages in peace education as a cross-cutting theme of European educational research. The workshop is organised as an interactive session with brief presentations, followed by facilitated group discussions and reflections.

Time: 11:00 - 14:00
Please note: this in-person workshop has a limited capacity so participants will be required to register in advance. The registration link can be found in the description of the workshop
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The primary objective of this workshop is to explore how data from international assessments can be used for research regarding outcomes and contexts of mathematics and science education. The workshop will put emphasis on how data from studies conducted by the IEA (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement) could provide further insights for policy and practice.

Time: 9:00 - 12:00
Please note: this in-person workshop has a limited capacity so participants will be required to register in advance. The registration link can be found in the description of the workshop
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Despite the fact that no specific group of children is completely excluded from attending any type of school in Armenia, there are groups of children who are at risk of being excluded. Those are children from rural areas and from families with low socio-economic backgrounds, children with disability, ethnic minority children and girls.

Time: Tuesday, 23/Aug/2022: 3:30pm - 5:00pm
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Wednesday 24 August

This session will concentrate on review of the general education (including pre-primary) sector in Armenia through presentation of the results of a holistic education sector review and a number of thematic studies as well their subsequent validation by a multi-stakeholder groups comprised of policy-makers, development partners, local CSOs and main beneficiary group for each study.

Time: Wednesday, 24/Aug/2022; 1:30pm - 3:00pm
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Thursday 25 August

“Reimagining Education” discussion aims to create a platform for idea and expertise exchange about the future of education and what kind of education system should be structured so that Armenia develops a competitive society capable of meaningfully contributing and being at the forefront of technological and scientific progress.

Time: 13:30 – 15:00
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During ECER Plus (online)

The panel discussion welcomes anybody who is interested in Open Science in Educational Research and infrastructural developments.

5 Sept. Time: 16:00 – 17:30 (Armenian time. Link for zoom to be anounced)
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Important Dates ECER 2022

Submission starts
Submission ends
Review results announced
10 days' period to confirm in-person or online presentation
Registration starts
Early bird ends
Presentation times announced
Registration Deadline for Presenters
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Conference Venue

Yerevan State University
1 Alex Manoogian
0025 Yerevan

Upcoming ECERs

ECER'23, Glasgow
ECER'24, Nicosia
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