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2327 results:
Each Network establishes a process for selecting Convenors and a Link Convenor to coordinate the Network and the Convenors. The process should contribute to the following principles: transparency,…
The induction of a new Link Convenor is the responsibility of the retiring Link Convenor with the support from the Networks' Representative on Council and the EERA Office. If possible, a shadowing…
Tasks of Convenors and Reviewers The roles of Convenors vary from Network to Network, partly depending upon their size and ambition. As the Networks are the main organizers of each ECER…
Reviewing Reviewing for ECER takes place from February to the beginning of April. To ensure a well-balanced reviewing process, three reviewers from three different countries should be…
The "Honorary Network Membership" values the contributions of a convenor in the context of a network's history. Being an honorary network member has no duties, but includes the possibility of…
Special Documents for ECER 2023 Dates and Deadlines for Link Convenors Template Special Call (deadline for ECER 2023: 30 Oct 2022) Template Tuesday Workshops (deadline 30 April 2023) Reviewing…
EERA Council and Executive Board EERA is governed by the Council and the Executive Board. Council consists of the representatives of the member associations and the co-opted council members - the…
Reviewers Getahun Yacob  Abraham, Karlstad University, Sweden Helen Avery, Lund University, Sweden Hugh Busher, University of Leicester, United Kingdom Katrin Huxel, Universität…
Reviewers Andrea Abbas, United Kingdom Ana Maskalan, Croatia Ayse Gul Altinay, Turkey Bergljót Prastardóttir, Iceland Brynja Halldörsdöttir, Iceland Carol A. Taylor, United Kingdom …
The Executive Board consist of the President, the Treasurer and the Secretary General and shall implement the Council resolutions and submit to the Council proposals concerning the achievement of…
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