Side Events ECER 2010

ECER Side Events - School Visits and Post-Conference Seminar

Conference delegates will have the opportunity to visit Finnish schools and learn more about the Finnish educational system.
Participants who whish to extend their stay are invited to a Post-Conference Seminar in Tallinn, organised by the Estonian Educational Research Association.
Both events have limited places, so we advice early booking. Conference registration and booking of side events will be opened after 15 March.

Our partners in Helsinki will offer school visits on Tuesday 24 and Friday 27 August. On four different tours on each of the two days conference delegates will have the opportunity to get acquainted with a Finnish elementary, upper secondary or vocational school.
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The Estonian Educational Research Association organises a Post Conference on Saturday 28 August and invites all ECER delegates to participate in the event. The theme of the seminar is "Children at risk in a new technology era: from Estonia to the global Dimension."
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Upcoming ECERs

ECER'23, Glasgow
ECER'24, Nicosia
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The aim of the ‘European Conference on Educational Research’ is to create an inclusive platform for initiating, reporting, discussing and promoting high quality educational research ...
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