Meet and Greets

Five of the EERA Member Associations will take the opportunity to introduce themselves and to talk to prospective members during their Meet and Greet slots. All slots will be during one of the lunch breaks, some Meet and Greets will be located in the Poster Tent, some in session rooms.

Wednesday and Thursday during the lunch breaks
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This session will bring together both the journal editor and scientists interested in the journal Tertium Comparationis. Journal for International and Intercultural Comparative Educational Research with the aim of addressing questions of those seeking to publish their work in the blind reviewed journal.

Thursday, 12:30 - 13:30
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Over its more than 60 year history, IEA studies have collected a wealth of international, comparative data on the structure and functioning of education systems and how they are related to student achievement. IEA was founded at the UNESCO Institute for Education in Hamburg and experts at our IEA Hamburg office continue to be leaders in the field of international large-scale assessments in education.

Friday 12:15 - 13:15 / Registration required
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EERA Going Green

As part of the commitment of EERA to ensuring that our annual European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) is as sustainable as possible, we were delighted to work with the local organisers of our Hamburg 2019 conference to develop our 'Green Agenda'.  Watch this videoto learn more!

To cover and document the conference from a student’s perspective, Josephine Hohberg, a masterstudent in Hamburg, will blog and report on her #ECER2019 experience.
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Upcoming ECERs

ECER'23, Glasgow
ECER'24, Nicosia
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