H2020 Workshop

H2020 Workshop

Wednesday, 3 September, 15:30 - 17:00

Chairs: Lejf Moos, Peter Gray

Location: B338 Sala de Aulas

This workshop continues from the Berlin conveners’ meeting in June. Then, networks started thinking about knowledge and research results that they already have, with the purpose of turning these into policy. This is related to impact, a priority for Horizon 2020 projects. Impact can no longer be guaranteed through publishing in academic journals. In addition, the EC’s Responsible Research and Innovation agenda is pushing for new kinds of relationships between research, researchers and society. These relationships are more ethical, more focused on public engagement and more open, and take more account of gender and difference generally. Impact will therefore involve societal transformation rather than academic discourse. Some examples of impact strategies from current applications will be presented. The workshop will also summarise the results of the Berlin meeting and will then further develop emerging themes across networks. For example, several EERA networks are involved in research linked to social inclusion, gender issues or educational research governance. By combining network expertise, we can better position EERA and its members to become involved in EU-funded projects, and in lobbying for an increased percentage of the H2020 budget to go to education research. We encourage the participation of network conveners, but the workshop is open to all participants in ECER 2014, and will be a hands-on event, encouraging debate, collaboration and new forms of knowledge gathering, which will especially benefit EERA participants applying for funding in H2020 or Erasmus+.

Introduction/discussant: Lejf Moos

Chair: Peter Gray

With contributions from network conveners

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ECER'24, Nicosia
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The aim of the ‘European Conference on Educational Research’ is to create an inclusive platform for initiating, reporting, discussing and promoting high quality educational research ...
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