Network Objectives
1. Continuing Professional Development: Learning for Educational Professionals and Organisations
Network Objectives
Network 1 was established to contribute to the field of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and to provide an opportunity for scholarly discussion and a forum for the dissemination of research. Research usually involves (but is not limited to) the development of teachers, principals, schools, and school systems. The network primarily focuses on the following:
- ways in which teachers and other professionals on the field of education learn and develop throughout their professional career;
- organisational, historical, situational, and policy contexts in which their professional learning occurs;
- knowledge that shapes their professional identity or contributes to their understanding and betterment;
- new developments and trends within the field of continuing professional development; and
- conditions and practices that improve and encourage professional development.
Continuing professional development has undergone tremendous change, including widespread recognition that adults must be lifelong learners, that teaching and learning is not limited to classrooms or formal CPD, that teachers and leaders benefit from induction and mentoring, and that individual professional learning is necessary but not sufficient for sustainable change within groups and organisations.
Recent areas of interest have included teacher induction and mentoring, teacher knowledge, teacher values and beliefs, collegial relationships, professional learning communities, organisational learning, educational leadership development, school culture, ‘best practices’ and trends in CPD, action research and ‘teacher-as-researcher’ model as well asvarious other models of CPD.