EERA Keynote Panel

EERA Keynote Panel: "Education and Transition - Contributions from Educational Research"

Friday, 11 September, 14:00 - 15:00

Chairs: Theo Wubbels, Gyöngyvér Pataki

Location: IV. Elöadóterem (Main)

The theme of this year’s ECER is “Education and Transition - Contributions from Educational Research”. Tamás Kozma from the the University of Debrecen, Hungary, Michael W. Apple from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA and the Northeast Normal University in China, Iram Siraj from the University of London, UK and Sharon Todd from Maynooth University, Ireland have shared their research and insights in their keynotes over the past days. At the EERA Panel all four will discuss with each other and also enter into dialogue with the audience.

Future ECERs

ECER'23, Glasgow
ECER'24, Nicosia
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The aim of the ‘European Conference on Educational Research’ is to create an inclusive platform for initiating, reporting, discussing and promoting high quality educational research ...
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ECER 2015

WERA Focal Meeting