Discussing H2020

Discussing H2020 in EERA

99 SES 05 A: Discussing H2020 in EERA
Time: Wednesday, 11/Sep/2013: 11:00am - 12:30pm
Location: BCONF - Conference Hall, B block

EERA network convenors have worked on describing research themes for the next European framework Programme, Horizon2020, because we think that the Commission needs to be guided in this work if educational research is not to be left out or diminished in the first rounds of the long road towards funding research programmes. The first step, following political decisions on the framework,  is the writing of detailed research programmes and calls for applications. The panel will present the convenors proposals and discuss them with audience before they are forwarded to political and administrative agencies.



  • Marit Honerød Hoveid, Norwegian University of Science and Technology;
  • Peter Gray, Norwegian University of Science and Technology;
  • Paul Smeyers, Universiteit Gent and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
  • Alis Oancea, University of Oxford


Lejf Moos
President of EERA e.V.

Future ECERs

ECER'23, Glasgow
ECER'24, Nicosia
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